Source code for

"""Module for defining the ClusterRecipe class."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from firecrown.models.cluster.abundance import ClusterAbundance
from firecrown.models.cluster.binning import SaccBin
from import ClusterProperty
from firecrown.updatable import Updatable, UpdatableCollection

[docs]class ClusterRecipe(Updatable, ABC): """Abstract class defining a cluster recipe. A cluster recipe is a combination of different cluster theoretrical predictions and models that produces a single prediction for an observable. """ def __init__(self, parameter_prefix: None | str = None) -> None: super().__init__(parameter_prefix) self.my_updatables: UpdatableCollection = UpdatableCollection()
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate_theory_prediction( self, cluster_theory: ClusterAbundance, this_bin: SaccBin, sky_area: float, average_on: None | ClusterProperty = None, ) -> float: """Evaluate the theory prediction for this cluster recipe."""