Source code for firecrown.parameters

"""Classes and functions to support groups of named parameters."""

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Iterator, Sequence
import warnings

[docs]def parameter_get_full_name(prefix: Optional[str], param: str) -> str: """Form a full parameter name from the given (optional) prefix and name. Parameter names, as stored in SACC, for example, contain an optional prefix; if a prefix is present, it will be separated from the name by an underscore. Prefixes and names should avoid containing embedded underscores. This is currently not enforced in the code. The parameter name can not be empty, even if accompanied by a prefix; this is enforced in the code. Ill-formed parameter names result in raising a ValueError. """ if len(param) == 0: raise ValueError("param must not be an empty string") if prefix: return f"{prefix}_{param}" return param
[docs]class ParamsMap(dict[str, float]): """A specialized dict in which all keys are strings and values are floats. The recommended access method is get_from_prefix_param, rather than indexing with square brackets like x[]. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lower_case: bool = False
[docs] def use_lower_case_keys(self, enable: bool) -> None: """Control whether keys will be translated into lower case. If `enable` is True, such translation will be done. This can help make sure code works with CosmoSIS, because such translation is done inside CosmoSIS itself. :param enable: whether to enable or disable this option """ self.lower_case = enable
[docs] def get_from_prefix_param(self, prefix: Optional[str], param: str) -> float: """Return the parameter identified by the optional prefix and parameter name. See parameter_get_full_name for rules on the forming of prefix and name. Raises a KeyError if the parameter is not found. """ fullname = parameter_get_full_name(prefix, param) if self.lower_case: fullname = fullname.lower() if fullname in self.keys(): return self[fullname] raise KeyError( f"Prefix `{prefix}`, param `{param}', key `{fullname}' not found." )
[docs]class RequiredParameters: """Represents a sequence of parameter names. This class provides some type safety to distinguish between an arbitrary list of strings, and one intended to be a list of required parameter names. An instance can be created from a list of strings. Instances can be concatenated using `+`, and compared for equality using `==`. To iterate through the names (which are strings), use `get+params_names`, which implements lazy evaluation. """ def __init__(self, params_names: Iterable[str]): """Construct an instance from an Iterable yielding strings.""" self.params_names: set[str] = set(params_names)
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return the number of parameters contained.""" return len(self.params_names)
[docs] def __add__(self, other: RequiredParameters) -> RequiredParameters: """Return a new RequiredParameters with the concatenated names. Note that this function returns a new object that does not share state with either argument to the addition operator. """ return RequiredParameters(self.params_names | other.params_names)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object): """Compare two RequiredParameters objects for equality. This implementation raises a NotImplemented exception unless both objects are RequireParameters objects. Two RequireParameters objects are equal if their contained names are equal (including appearing in the same order). """ if not isinstance(other, RequiredParameters): n = type(other).__name__ raise TypeError( f"Cannot compare a RequiredParameter to an object of type {n}" ) return self.params_names == other.params_names
[docs] def get_params_names(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Implement lazy iteration through the contained parameter names.""" params_names_set = set(self.params_names) yield from params_names_set
[docs]class DerivedParameter: """Represents a derived scalar parameter generated by an Updatable object. This class provide the type that encapsulate a derived scalar quantity (represented by a float) computed by an Updatable object during a statistical analysis. """ def __init__(self, section: str, name: str, val: float): """Initialize the DerivedParameter object.""" self.section: str = section str = name if not isinstance(val, float): raise TypeError( "DerivedParameter expects a float but received a " + str(type(val)) ) self.val: float = val
[docs] def get_val(self) -> float: """Return the value of this parameter.""" return self.val
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Compare two DerivedParameter objects for equality. This implementation raises a NotImplemented exception unless both objects are DerivedParameter objects. Two DerivedParameter objects are equal if they have the same section, name and value. """ if not isinstance(other, DerivedParameter): raise NotImplementedError( "DerivedParameter comparison is only implemented for " "DerivedParameter objects" ) return ( self.section == other.section and == and self.val == other.val )
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """Constructs the full name using section--name.""" return f"{self.section}--{}"
[docs]class DerivedParameterCollection: """Represents a list of DerivedParameter objects.""" def __init__(self, derived_parameters: Sequence[DerivedParameter]): """Construct an instance from a sequence of DerivedParameter objects.""" if not all(isinstance(x, DerivedParameter) for x in derived_parameters): raise TypeError( "DerivedParameterCollection expects a list of DerivedParameter" "but received a " + str([str(type(x)) for x in derived_parameters]) ) self.derived_parameters: dict[str, DerivedParameter] = {} for derived_parameter in derived_parameters: self.add_required_parameter(derived_parameter)
[docs] def __add__(self, other: Optional[DerivedParameterCollection]): """Add two DerivedParameterCollection objects. Return a new DerivedParameterCollection with the lists of DerivedParameter objects. If other is none return self. Otherwise, constructs a new object representing the addition. Note that this function returns a new object that does not share state with either argument to the addition operator. """ if other is None: return self return DerivedParameterCollection( list(self.derived_parameters.values()) + list(other.derived_parameters.values()) )
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object): """Compare two DerivedParameterCollection objects for equality. This implementation raises a NotImplemented exception unless both objects are DerivedParameterCollection objects. Two DerivedParameterCollection objects are equal if they contain the same DerivedParameter objects. """ if not isinstance(other, DerivedParameterCollection): raise NotImplementedError( "DerivedParameterCollection comparison is only implemented for " "DerivedParameterCollection objects" ) return self.derived_parameters == other.derived_parameters
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str, float]]: """Implementation of lazy iteration through the collection.""" for derived_parameter in self.derived_parameters.values(): yield ( derived_parameter.section,, derived_parameter.get_val(), )
[docs] def add_required_parameter(self, derived_parameter: DerivedParameter): """Adds derived_parameter to the collection. We raises an ValueError if a required parameter with the same name is already present in the collection. """ required_parameter_full_name = derived_parameter.get_full_name() if required_parameter_full_name in self.derived_parameters: raise ValueError( f"RequiredParameter named {required_parameter_full_name}" f" is already present in the collection" ) self.derived_parameters[required_parameter_full_name] = derived_parameter
[docs] def get_derived_list(self) -> list[DerivedParameter]: """Implement lazy iteration through the contained parameter names.""" return list(self.derived_parameters.values())
[docs]class SamplerParameter: """Class to represent a sampler defined parameter.""" def __init__(self): """Creates a new SamplerParameter instance. This represents a parameter having its value defined by the sampler. """ self.value: Optional[float] = None
[docs] def set_value(self, value: float): """Set the value of this parameter. :param value: new value """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_value(self) -> float: """Get the current value of this parameter.""" assert self.value is not None return self.value
[docs]class InternalParameter: """Class to represent an internally defined parameter.""" def __init__(self, value: float): """Creates a new InternalParameter instance. This represents an internal parameter with its value defined by value. """ self.value = value
[docs] def set_value(self, value: float): """Set the value of this parameter. :param value: new value """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_value(self) -> float: """Return the current value of this parameter.""" return self.value
# The function create() is intentionally not type-annotated because its use is subtle. # See Updatable.__setatrr__ for details.
[docs]def create(value: Optional[float] = None): """Create a new parameter, either a SamplerParameter or an InternalParameter. See register_new_updatable_parameter for details. """ warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn( "This function is named `create` and will be removed in a future version " "due to its name being too generic." "Use `register_new_updatable_parameter` instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return register_new_updatable_parameter(value)
[docs]def register_new_updatable_parameter(value: Optional[float] = None): """Create a new parameter, either a SamplerParameter or an InternalParameter. If `value` is `None`, the result will be a `SamplerParameter`; Firecrown will expect this value to be supplied by the sampling framwork. If `value` is a `float` quantity, then Firecrown will expect this parameter to *not* be supplied by the sampling framework, and instead the provided value will be used for every sample. Only `None` or a `float` value is allowed. """ if value is None: return SamplerParameter() if not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError( f"parameter.create() requires a float parameter or none, " f"not {type(value)}" ) return InternalParameter(value)